rymo - read your mail online
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general rymo history

  • During 1999, Florian started working on a webmail-application called POP3-Checker.
  • In January 2001, Lol was in search of such tool. After he tried some tools, he stopped by Florian's work. Lol then fixed a bug and sent patch to Florian.
  • After some emails exchange, we decided to continue development of POP3-Checker at 4 hands.
  • We renamed the project 'rymo' (read your mail online) because of name conflicts @ sourceforge.net. Also the new name is more fashionable than the old one ;)

some dates and archived news
  • May 7 2001: First stable release (0.2.0) with an optional 'email address' field.
  • Apr 6 2001: 0.1.4 released. Added Cc: and Bcc: fields, replaced POP3 'RETR' command with a 'TOP' and password now is encoded.
  • Feb 15 2001: we set a rymo demo at sourceforge website. It is now closed since sourceforge do not allow connections to remote port 110.
  • Feb 13 2001: rymo 0.1.3 released
  • Feb 12 2001: rymo homepage is on sourceforge
  • Feb 5 2001: There are now a few (3) screenshots
  • Feb 3 2001: set up rymo homepage
  • Jan/Feb 2001: POP3-Checker is dead: RYMO WAS BORN!


POP3-Checker was the predecessor of rymo.

© 2001 by the rymo team